Monday, December 30, 2013

Holy Shit....

I just created a blog with the URL 30 and Menopause.  A week ago I would have never have used those words to describe me. Fun, shopaholic, fitness, food, wine, any of those words I could have foreseen.  Menopause?  No.  Yet, here I am.  Apparently, post menopausal.

From the beginning.  My husband (Aaron) and I started trying 2 years ago (age 28).  For the first year I never or rarely had a period.  Aaron told me to just relax.  My OB said its not uncommon and that I should wait a year before seeing a specialist (blood tests showed nothing unusual).  I knew something was wrong, but since I was in the 'not-not trying camp' I didn't feel the need to be proactive.  Fast forward a year and I visited my first RE.  She told me it could most likely be blamed on my running.  I still wasn't 'ready' for a child and I certainly wasn't ready to undergo extensive fertility treatments, so we waited another year.  I turned 30.  I finally accepted that I'd never be 'ready' and proceeded to my RE, ready to take the plunge this time.

Then Christmas Eve came, four weeks after I first set foot in the RE's office.  The diagnosis, premature menopause/primary ovarian failure.  I became numb as she spoke.  She told me she didn't believe the numbers.  I hope she's right but in my heart of hearts I feel like they are correct.  The numbers that define me now:
FSH 130.6
LH: 60.2
Estradiol: 10.5
All of these number are in the post menopausal range.  They are retesting today and sending blood to two different labs.   This morning I noticed a change in procedure, they asked me to verify the label on the vial of blood.  Maybe there was a mix up.  Maybe.  I find out at 3:30 pm today.

EDIT:  I should note first, that I am not a great writer.  I started this blog as a way for me to sort through my feelings as I proceed through my infertility journey.  So far, I've found it to be very therapeutic.

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