Monday, January 20, 2014

Feeling Old

I just bought

I'm 30 and I just bought a book on menopause.  Holy Hell.  The side effects of menopause have not been fun.  Night sweats, hot flashes and my personal favorite, vaginal dryness.  BTW WTF I'm 30, I should not be typing these things?!!?!  I will be asking my RE to start me on hormone replacement therapy this week.  The good news about this is that it will help with the side effects while not impinging the possibility of getting pregnant.

 Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Overview and HRT

In fact there are two blogs from women who got pregnant with POF while on HRT:

Fizzy Feet
My bum ovaries

And here are a few medical case studies on the treatment of POF/POI with HRT.

Hormone Replacement Therapy as treatment for POI/POF
Case Study: HRT as treatment for POF/POI
Another Link on HRT Therapy as Treatment for POF/POI

In other news, me and acupuncture do not get along.  Each time I attend a session I come away with even more bruises.  The latest is a nasty painful bruise on my abdomen, its dark purple/red and about the size of a quarter.  Its making wearing anything with a waistband painful.  I'm also really concerned that this week's treatments will leave me with a bruise on my forehead (the only place I have yet to bruise).  I'm not sure how I'll explain that one.....

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