Not really, not at all. I've spent the better part of the last week reading every medical article I could find on POF/POI. I have my list of questions and my list of experimental treatments I'd like doctors to pursue. (Now to find a doctor who is willing to try something other than donor eggs).
Link here to my favorite articles that I've read.
My plan of attack: ask for AOA (anti-ovarian antibodies) testing. (Beware the is very controversial and results need to be interpreted with accompanying information to be accurate). If this test is positive I'd like to try three months of corticotherapy before an IVF (study, case study, case study ). If the results are negative than I will continue on HRT and hope that -that is the solution (case study, study). Now to find a doctor who wants to use me as a lab rat (in a good way).
Through reading all these articles I have come to the conclusion that if I am not seeing results and a return to ovulation after 9 months I *should* feel confident about pursuing egg donation. Please know this is a HIGHLY personal decision. I'm an engineer, numbers and statistics give me comfort and have help me to form an path forward that right now gives me hope. In 3,6, 9 months I may feel differently. There are case studies out there of women who have had success in a return to ovulation after 4 years of treatment. (case study), for me, four years is to long a time to not peruse other options.
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