Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rolling with the punches

All this time I thought I was one of the 'lucky ones'.  See my insurance plan has infertility coverage (state mandated).  It covers 6-IUIs and 3-IVFs.  I knew the donor portion of the plan had no coverage but that was a cost I could pocket without too much heartburn.  Today I read the fine print on the plan, coverage only exists for participants who have an FSH lower than 19 on cycle day 3.  I'm devastated.

Here I was rolling along my merrily way thinking that I have the insurance coverage so at least I can try an IUI or IVF cycle with my own eggs before moving onto donor eggs.  Now, I'll be saving every penny just to try an donor cycle.  I tired to call the insurance company but like any insurance company I couldn't find a person who actually understood what FSH really was and what the condition really met.  (Some insurance websites state that the FSH requirement is just the requirement for coverage to use your own eggs).  Also, since I don't have a cycle, at all, I can never truly have a day 3 FSH test.  I'm either doomed to be constantly battling the insurance companies or to doomed to no coverage at all.  Either way my plan to try with my own eggs may no longer be viable (just like my eggs.. ha....).

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